Bryan and Ginny Maupin

Bryan and Ginny Maupin

Thanks to Dr. Bryan Maupin's Air Force career, he and wife Ginny saw the infamous wall between East and West Germany demolished. They also saw the contrast between the two sides of that wall—the difference between liberty and tyranny.

The Maupins became acquainted with TPPF while Bryan was in private practice in Bryan, Texas, following his retirement from the Air Force. A few years later, they became Visionary donors, fulfilling their commitment in monthly installments. Today they are grandparents and more concerned than ever about ensuring a future of freedom and prosperity for their four grandchildren. "Since we've been involved as Visionaries and, now, as members of the Legacy Society," Bryan says, "we have received so much more from TPPF than we have given." Ginny observes, "This gift from our estate helps ensure a legacy of liberty to our children and grandchildren."